Donating to SCS
Charter schools offer students, families, and teachers a fresh alternative to traditional public or private schools. In New Hampshire, charter schools are public and funded by the state, but at a rate significantly lower on a per student basis than traditional public schools. In exchange for limited funding, charter schools are given the freedom to create unique missions or “charters” that embody the values of the school.
New Hampshire funds its charter schools at one of the lowest rates in the US. New Hampshire’s traditional public school students receive an average of $19,400 in federal, state, and local funding per year. NH charter schools receive about $9,000 per pupil, per year. We do a lot with our limited budget, but must still depend on family contributions, community fundraising, and volunteer support.
Ways to give
By check:
Make checks payable to Seacoast Charter School.
Mail or bring in your check to SCS, 171 Watson Road, Dover, NH 03820
Securely online:
Click HERE to donate online
Choose monthly or one-time payment option
Recurring payments through your bank:
Most banks and credit unions offer online options for setting up automatic/recurring payments. It’s an easy way to break your contribution down into small payments over the course of the year. (Contact your banking institution for more information.)
Thank you for your support!
SCS is a 501(c)3 tax exempt not-for-profit organization, and your contribution is tax deductible.