Title I at Seacoast Charter School
Title I is a federally funded grant program whose purpose is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. (US Dept of Education)
Local schools use their funds to support educationally disadvantaged students. Funding is determined by the percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch in the district. Seacoast Charter School uses Title I funds to hire highly qualified New Hampshire certified teachers to support student achievement in reading in grades 1 and 2. SCS also uses Title I finds to purchase instructional materials for use during Title I sessions and materials for use at home.
Student eligibility for and release from Title I services is determined by specific criteria. Parent permission is obtained before a student receives Title I support. Title I support is offered before and after school to ensure that the services support classroom instruction and do not take the place of classroom instruction.